The second wave of flowers are coming on in the front garden. At this point, the garden is more green than in bloom, so each flower is appreciated and cherished for its contribution to the cause.
Sweet pixie daisies with cheerful faces, sit near the front of the garden and can be heard chanting, “She loves me, she loves me not.”
Lovely lythrum, now in its third year in my garden is finally established and doing very well. It always amazes me that some people call this a purple flower, while I see it as pink. Which is it to you?
I adore verbena bonariensis, which is tall and leggy, like me. This plant is nearly at eye level for me and waves so delicately above all the other flowers. I grow it from the tiniest seeds every year because it is a tender perennial and I don’t want to be without it in my gardens. Truth be told, I think it’s been coming back and reseeding regularly for a few years now, but I didn’t recognize it, and pulled it out thinking it was a weed.
And here are the dear little wild daisies that invited themselves to the party, hanging out with the coral bells. This time I didn’t pull them out, but left them to party on.
I found a few shy lilies trying to hide behind the peony bush.
Scabiosa is a favorite with the bees.
And this poor sweetheart of a plant, whose name I’m not sure I ever knew. Any clues?
And lastly . . . my favorite roses that always bloom . . . no matter what. Even they look poorly this year, but they’re trying to put on a good show. I bought them years ago at the end of summer on clearance for $3 a plant, and sadly, I have no idea what their name is either. If pruned back, they will produce an abundant second bloom in a month or so, and their clusters of small pink flowers always bring a smile to my face.
Happy weekend!
I think the lythrum is magenta! A perf3ct blend between pink and purple and one of my fav colors.😍 we grew up call the little tripetal flower a minute lily, because the flower itself is short lived, a day a bloom if I remember correctly. I thought it was called a minute lily because day lily had already been taken. I’ll ask my mom is she remembers the actual name of that purple beauty!
I’ve never heard that name for it. It was given to me years ago and I have absolutely no recollection of what it was called, but everyone and everything deserves to be known by name. At least now I have something to call it. Thanks Mary!
The last photo before the rose is spiderwort, trandescantia. For me is spreads rampantly. I’ve never heard it called minute lily, but that is a good name for it!
Thank you Carolee! I’ve heard of Spiderwort but didn’t realize that was it’s name. It doesn’t grow rampantly for me, but the lady who gave it to me years ago had that problem. I like it, but it often falls over and I have very little patience for flowers that can’t hold their own. This year though, it is standing very tall and proud.
Gorgeous photos! Lovely selection. Especially love the lily.
Thank you Ali. For some reason, those lilies didn’t get very tall this year and were barely visable.