Don’t you love it when you have summer guests? It’s a sign that the “party is on”. I’m not much of a party girl myself, but these guests have made this summer very special.
This first guest is not so pretty, in fact he is quite scary if looking close up. Fortunately you don’t actually see them often since they hang out high in the trees. I’ve always called these guys locusts, but they are actually cicadas. But to me, they are the essense of summer, for all day, they sing “the song of summer”. They come out of the ground annually to mate and die. Courting is the music or buzzing sound we hear when they vibrate their abdomens. There are also the 13 and 17-year cicadas, and when they emerge in massive numbers, it is a nonstop chorus in wooded areas.
Since I planted zinnias in one of my raised beds this year instead of vegetables, I have had a host of guests this summer I don’t usually see or maybe just did’t notice before.
This is a shy and flighty female Black Swallowtail ‘Ohio Lepidopterists’. She doesn’t come around often and is looking tired and a little ragged on the edges. She rarely settles long enough for a photo, but took a short rest on this salvia which had already bloomed and no longer had flowers. I wonder if she is nearing the end of her life.
Here is another female who seemed to have much more energy, markings more distinct, colors are brighter, and her wings not so tattered.
This next lady is a frequent visitor to the zinnia patch . . . the Eastern Tiger Swallowtail ‘Papilio glaucus’. I’m rarely in the garden that she isn’t hanging around, working the room, and flirting with every flower she can.
Of course there is the bumble bee who is the quintessential “party animal” . . . she hangs out continually and never goes home. Bumble is always welcome here.
Meet Skipper . . . otherwise known as Silver-spotted Skipper ‘Epargyreus clarus’. Skipper favors blue, red, pink and purple flowers and thrives in most of the continental United States.
And then there are the party guests who bring the whole family and eat right out of your fridge without asking and things not on the menu. This lady and her twin fawns have become the neighborhood mascots of sorts. She strolls up and down the street, family in tow, eating whatever she desires, like she owns the place. She particularly has feasted on my tomatoes and hostas. Teaching her fawns to jump fences, she is friendly and not afraid.
The Monarch ‘Danaus plexippus’, is also commonly known as the “king of butterflies”. In my garden, the monarch is known as “Monty”, fondly named after Monty Don, the king of English gardening (in my mind), and host of Gardeners’ World.
Did you know that the monarch butterfly goes through four stages of life and has four generations in a years’ time? Hibernating monarchs come out in February and March, migrate north and east > lay eggs > larvae (baby caterpillars) > chrysalis > butterfly. They live 2 to 6 weeks and will die after laying eggs. This is generation one.
The second generation is born in May and June. The third is born in July and August. The fourth generation, born in September and October, goes through the same process, but does not die after 2 to 6 weeks. Instead it will migrate to warmer climates, like Mexico and California and live for 6 to 8 months, where it will start the process all over again.
I have seen more monarchs this summer in my yard than ever before. Even saw a couple mating in flight. They are always a welcome guest and show stopper.
And last, but not least, we can’t forget Honey, who because of her fight against pesticides and mites, is always the most welcome summer guest. Having once been a beekeeper, these are one of God’s creations that I adore the most.
I’ve learned to always take my camera with me when I go outside . . . because you never know who might drop by to visit unexpectedly.
Linking with The Propagator for “Six on Saturday”
Wonderful Six Cindy! You have some gorgeous butterflies over there and you have some gorgeous photos of them too! The one thing I really missed when I moved back to the UK after living in South Africa for several years was the sound of cicadas at night. Funny what you get used to. I would love to plant zinnias, but they are a favourite of the S&S so probably wouldn’t survive in my garden. Might try some next year though and see what happens. As for the deer… wow!
A truly beautiful post, Cindy. You have most definitely laid out the welcome mat for your visitors by planting appealing blooms.
Thank you kindly! Zinnias have made all the difference in my garden. They are the best thing I have ever planted and the best part is, the deer don’t like them.
I love the pics of all your guests! I was looking for the final friend…the skunk!😜
Thanks Mary!!!
I saw him one morning last week at 3:30am when I took Moby out to relieve himself. He was at the end of my deck about 10 feet away waving his tail. Fortunately Moby didn’t see him or bark and I quickly got him back inside. When he got skunked on Thursday it was 10am. Now I’m pretty much afraid to go out in my back yard about any time in case he is lurking around.
Oh my goodness, you lucky, lucky gardener! What beautiful visitors!!
It has to be the zinnias. I’ve never had such a selection of butterflies before. Yesterday they were in a frenzy drinking as much as they could before the storm came and I haven’t seen them since.
What a stellar guest list, indeed. Great photos of all the hottest garden celebs.
They have made being in the garden pure delight!
Incredible photos. The butterflies have not arrived in my garden yet.
Thank you Mala. I’m convinced that it’s the zinnias that have attracted the butterflies in droves. I’ve never seen so many before
I may just fill my raised beds with zinnias next year. I haven’t given up on butterflies yet, but we have had very few bees this year. Worrisome.
What a beautiful post! You’re so lucky to have such interesting visitors. I’m sure the deer are a bit annoying to have visiting and helping themselves, but they are very lovely. We have cicadas here too and they have interesting names: greengrocer, Black prince, yellow Monday to name a few. Greengrocer has a deafening sound.
I love the cicadas! There is nothing like them. They take me back to my earliest childhood summer memories.
We also have tree frogs that sing all night. They’ve only moved into our neighborhood in the last 7-8 years and I adore them. They only live in neighborhoods with very established trees and they start in July and sing until usually October. To me, these are the best parts of summer!