Making a fresh arrangement doesn’t have to be difficult. This bouquet was made a few weeks ago with simply taking cuttings from my Oakleaf Hydrangea bush. Nothing fancy, nothing extra . . . just using what you have at hand.
I made this arrangement specifically for my bedroom, since the colors in my room are beige, pale pink, and pale olive green.
The Oakleaf flowers had already turned from white to pink and green, so they were the perfect flower for this arrangement on my dresser.
Something I never noticed before is that when the flowers turn pink and green, the blossom turns downward, so you are looking at the underside of the flower.
I love how they mellow into the sweetest shades of pink and green . . .
. . . softening the look of everything in the room.
Happy Monday and happy week to all.
Linking with Rambling in the Garden for “In a Vase on Monday”.
Wow, I love the color coordination…something I’m not very good at! The perfect flowers for your room! 🙂
Thank you Joanna. I am leaving them there to dry and hopefully they will hold their color.
That really works beautifully in your bedroom, and I like your observation regarding how the flowers turn to reveal their blush undersides.
A good reminder that often a simple arrangement of a single kind of flower is most pleasing. The hydrangeas work very well in your bedroom!
It’s really beautiful and looks perfect in your room. I’ve been admiring hydrangeas, as it is their season, and looking out for good ones. These leaves are gorgeous.
There are so many pretty hydrangeas out now. I only wish they did better in my gardens so I could have more, but it gets very hot here in the summer. My Oakleaf is very large and seems to be the only variety I’ve tried that thrives for me.
What a perfect vase for your bedroom – the colours match beautifully. And what a pretty vase and little beehive, not to mention the matching embroidery too 🙂
Thank you Cathy. I don’t often put flowers in my room since all I do is sleep there, but they seemed to be a perfect match and couldn’t resist.
Having an arrangement that lasts for weeks is wonderful in itself and, when it’s this pretty, it’s better still. I tried and failed to grow oakleaf hydrangea in my former garden and its water requirements probably put it out of the question here, which is a pity.
That’s a terrific vase to put the hydrangea in: they set each other off perfectly. I have an oak leaf in my garden and each summer it fries- just too hot here and I don’t have enough shade yet.
Some of my hydrangeas don’t do very well and never bloom. But the Oakleaf bush is gigantic and seems to tolerate the heat and dry times much better than other varieties. It is a favorite of mine.