Simple is this week’s bouquet. Simple, sweet, and so easy. These are simply cuttings from a hanging basket with a single begonia plant in it.
This is an area I created behind the fence in my back garden with a wrought iron table and chair, where I like to sit when I need a garden break. It’s quiet, peaceful, and most importantly shady.
This basket has done well in the shade, but the begonia had become a little leggy and floppy, so I trimmed it back. I was about to toss the cuttings, when I realized they were too pretty not to save.
I’m so glad I didn’t toss them. I think they have made my favorite bouquet this summer.
I like my flowers sweet and simple . . .
and usually pink.
There are so many beautiful flowers to love and admire. But does loveliness come any sweeter than this, especially in late summer?
I’ve never made many bouquets before this year. Mostly (I hate to admit) because I was too lazy to take the time to arrange, change out the water, and toss them. I’m so glad I have made it a summer goal to make a weekly bouquet. It not only brightens up the house, porch, and my office, but most of all, I have learned to slow down and really look at flowers close up and personal. Their individual detail and beauty is absolutely amazing and a wonder to behold.
At the last minute, I added some white and soft pink ‘Chantilly’ snap dragons to the mix and the softness of the two combined is almost heavenly.
Linking with Rambling in the Garden for “In a Vase on Monday”.
There is something soothing and lovely about pink blooms. Yours are sweet, Cindy.
Thank you kindly. I never tire of looking at them and their innocent beauty.
Very pretty and delicate-looking.
Thank you kindly Peter.
My own begonia flowers are floppy too but you’ve convinced me that they may be vase-worthy anyway, Cindy. Thanks for the inspiration!
Very pretty, soft and ladylike.
what Begonia is that?
I’m really not sure what begonia it is. I’m not very good at keeping the plant tags or jotting down varieties. If I like it, I buy it no matter what it is called.
Same here! The mystery collection. And there are a billion Begonias.
I too, love pink flowers and especially appreciate them at this time of year when the hot yellows and oranges are more common (although they are lovely too!). Such an elegant arrangement!
I’m a pink flower person. I can only take the hot colors in moderation or in certain situations. But pinks, purples, blues, and whites I will take any day.
love its colors! very pretty!
Thank you. I’d forgotten how pretty that begonia is from last year. Just seeing it, I may have to go get one for this year.