This week’s bouquet comes from the last flowers of my garden. The echinacea are having their second bloom of the season and their last hurray.
They started blooming in July and I think the heat and dry summer was just too much for them, as the flowers were pale and scraggly.. This second flush of flowers is much more vibrant and beautiful. The deep jewel colors are perfect for fall.
I think all of these blooms are from Cheyenne Echinacea, which throws different colored blooms on the same plant.
The arrangement certainly brightens up my kitchen, especially when accompanied by this cute little sign.
I’m not a fan of cutesy signs, but this one, for some reason spoke to me. Most likely because of the green truck, which not only added a seasonal touch, but matches my green and white kitchen so nicely.
Not only are these the last flowers, but with out first frost last night, it is also the last of the tomatoes. It is a sad day in the garden when the first frost comes, killing everything tender, and signaling the coming of the long dormant season.
Linking with Cathy at Rambling in the Garden for this weeks lovely end of season flower arrangements. Everyone has their own unique style, and it is fun to see what others are creating.
A beautiful mix of colors, Cindy. It is sad when the garden season ends and we have such a long wait until we get to do it all again. I spent a few hours today in the big garden pulling frosted annuals and soaker hoses. Not much left, alas.
I like your new gravatar!
Thank you Eliza. I was looking at your post about the old bridge earlier before church and then rushed out. I will get over there and leave a comment, but it looks like you are far ahead of us when it comes to color. Maybe now that we have had a frost, our leaves will start. changing, although I’m not in any hurry.
Thought it best I get a current photo of myself up there instead of an old one. It’s time to deal with the age I really am and not what I wish I was 🙂
The perfect colors for Fall.
I thought they went well with the season too. Right now I need bright and brilliant flowers.
How wonderful that you’re getting another flush of bloom from the Echinacea, Cindy. The color mix is lovely. I like the idea of seasonal changes like those you experience, at least in theory. I suspect the arrival of a killing frost would make me melancholy too. We really just have 2 seasons, warm and cool, and out seasonal shifts happen in fits and starts.
As much as I like to complain about winter coming, I really couldn’t take much more of the 90 degree heat and no rain. If I wanted that, I would move out and be your neighbor. I do love all the green we have here in the spring and summer, and color in the fall. Ands then, everything is just gray and brown.
That is a really lovely vase of colour – and I love the vase too. The sort of thing my grandmother had in aplenty in her kitchen! A very beautiful bunch of flowers which looks very happy in your kitchen, alongside the tomatoes on your window sill! Amanda
Thank you Amanda. I love the vase/crock too. I just bought it a few weeks ago at a show, and it was the perfect container for these flowers. One of those purchases that I’m sure I’ll use a lot.
How lovely to get so many colours on one plant. It’s a lovely bouquet Cindy. Hope your tomatoes ripen. I shall wait a few more days to bring my last ones indoors – we have had very light frosts already, but they are close to the house wall and have survived so far.
It fascinates me to no end that these plants give many colored flowers on the same plant. I don’t know how they do that. I’ve heard the seeds revert back and don’t bloom true to the parent plant, but I’ve never tried them.
I’ve had a good season of tomatoes with September being in the 80’s and 90’s. I think I’m ready for them to be done. The more they produce, the more I feel obligated to eat them all.
Beautiful flowers Cindy. I’ve tried a few hybrid echinacea but they have been short-lived. Cheyenne Echinacea seems worth trying. It’s so rewarding to get a second flush of blooms.
Oh, I hope these aren’t short-lived. That would be a shame to lose such a vibrant colored plant from the garden. I am truly amazed they have bloomed from July to October. Once I cut them down in late August, I thought they were done. I never expected to get prettier flowers the second time around.
Such lovely fruity colours. and as Amanda says the pot is the perfect rustic addition as of course is your sign. Thanks for sharing, Cindy
Thank you Cathy. Alas, I’m out of flowers, so I am done for the year until next spring. But I’ll keep seeing what everyone else is sharing.
Doesn’t have to be flowers though, Cindy…
What a wonderful array of colours in your echinacea. i only have pink and white, I’m just not trying. Shame about the frost, it always comes too soon.
There are so many new varieties out these days. Some of them don’t hold up over time, but it is nice to always have the pink and white one that you can count on.