This week’s bouquet is simple and ever so sweet smelling. Being rushed for time, and not much in bloom at the minute, I took the easy route and made a bouquet from all the Lily of the Valley plants in my yard. I have never used them for a bouquet before and never looked closely at their sweet faces.
Actually, I made three bouquets and set them on the ledge of the porch. It was a cool day, and since a few of them were yellowing, I thought they’d last longer outside.
Plus, I love using my pretty little vases, each with a different design and texture.
Sweetness is by far the best word to describe these delicate flowers, who spend their short lives, shyly hiding under their green leaves.
Taking this opportunity to wish all the Mother’s out there, a sweet and Happy Mother’s Day!
You can find lots of pretty bouquets from all over the world at Cathy’s blog Rambling in the Garden for “In a Vase on Monday”.
One of my favorite flowers, dainty and divinely scented. Happy Mother’s Day, Cindy!
I must admit, this is the first time I have picked and enjoyed them and their sweet smell. The blooms are so easily missed hiding under the leaves.
I hope you had a wonderful Mother’s Day too Eliza. Happy Monday!
Yes, thank you!
i didnt know they had color
I didn’t either until I looked inside. It was a pleasant surprise.
such simple yet classy flowers.
beautiful arrangements!
I didn’t either until I turned them upside down and looked inside. It was a surprise.
In that first close up I would never have guessed that that is what they were – your three little vases are absolutely gorgeous, so sweet
Thank you Cathy. It was a sweet surprise when I looked inside and found color there.
Such pretty vases – just right for Lily of the Valley.
I’ve decided to be on the lookout for vases. These were from a craft store and half off. I thought they would be perfect for little wild flowers.
I’m not sure I’ve ever seen the inside of Lily of the Valley blooms. (Sadly, we don’t get many of them here.) They’re wonderful!
They grow like weeds here and I usually end up pulling them out. This is the first time I’ve ever picked them. I remember my Mother grew them when I was a child.
Lovely <3
They are beautiful flowers and you have displayed them and photographed them fabulously Cindy! I love their scent. They have taken ages to get established in my garden – only just enough for one small bunch – it’s just too dry here.
That’s such a shame, but on the other hand, they can be a pest here. The spread everywhere and I’m always pulling them out to keep them under control. It would actually be nice to have them as a controlled group.